Sunday, November 29, 2009
Lost Soul
Ive been distant lately and I like it like that. Never been to open and out there. I miss being reserved and not having a million and one things on my mind. And to keep some people wondering I guess. Alot of my friends have been telling me to focus on things and stop stressing over nothing. I know Ill sound like such a freak for saying this but I tend to think about sex all the damn time. I mean its on my mind twenty-four seven. I try to put my head somewhere else but I cant. Its actually quite aggravating. Mostly because Its something I cant have. I feel so pathetic and weak. I mena before my experiences sex was almost never on my mind, but now I feel like an addict. If I found someone I would probably want to do it all the damn time. Ugh. Sometimes I wish I were the old me, I feel like Ive changed. People have also told me Im different now. I guess how I act and stuff. Im going to get back to me from this moment. Lifes way to short to waste. My mom just found out one of her co-workers has cancer. Its so sad things happen unexpectedly and so fast we dont even know how to grasp it. This news made me feel even more down and out, and just taught me to appreciate life. No ones promised tomoro. My prayers go out to her and her family and I pray that shell pull through.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
"Its Ok To Love Me
Monday, October 12, 2009
Party In The U.S.A
-I love Miley Cyrus's new song Party in the usa. Just think it would sound way better if someone else was singing it lol
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tears In Heaven

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Broken-Hearted Girl
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sooner Than Later- The Dilemma
-Kaycee N. Alston
Monday, July 20, 2009
"Back in the day when I was young I'm not a kid nemore......but somedays I still wish i was a kid again"
1. Im sick with a bad cold
2. Can't get my hair done because IM SICK.
3. Fucked up at work. But im getting over it.
4. Finally had the chance to go out with a guy who actually PAID FOR EVERYTHING.
5. Has to find a home for Lily because shes making my mom really sick. Lilys my kitty kat
6. Havent heard from alot of people. Just wondering If theyre still breathing like me.
7. Shaved. Big Mistake
8. Lost my favorite lipstick.
9. Been getting back into my death metal bands
10. Had a blast from jmy past yet again.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wedding Bells??...Not me!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Here comes the rooster
Just finished watching my new addiction-True Blood- Its actually a pretty good show despite what I used to say about it. I guess I never really gave it a chance like I dont with alot of things. God I feel so fucked up in the head. I dont know whats good or bad. I dont know what I want, or If its something that I should want. Im confused and dont know what to do with myself. I guess I should just live as if I'll die tomorrow. Thats all you can do right? Live each day as if its your last. Experience as much as you can, and have no regrets. I guess I dont have any regrets. Just many lessons I thought I learned. See what I mean Im all screwed up. The only things that make sense in my life now is school work and the people I surround myself with which are my friends and family. The only thing that keeps me going on is the thought that I have this feeling that theres something more for me in the future. I dont want to sound like a bitch or anything but I feel like I dont know how special I am and the purpose I serve. If that makes any sense. I just think Im too much of this interesting person to sit in my house on the computer all the time and listen to music. I shuld be out there doing something with music or whatever. Thats why whenever I get the chance Im going to search my hardest for some more internships or anything to break into the business. Ive been working way to many days and havent had enough time to do anything for me really. I dont put alot of faith in myself, mostly because I had alot of thing happen to me to make me lose all hope and faith in myself. I know I deserve better in my life with a career and person. Just scared to see what the future actually holds for me.

Monday, June 29, 2009
"After The Hurricane"

1. After The Hurricane
2. Switch
3. Fear.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dirty Diana/Give Into Me
Today was so dull I swear I decided to make moves out of this damn house since I didnt go anywhere the day before. I hate being home sometimes. I feel like I have no damn life and I should be outside at least taking a walk in the city somewhere. Ugh. Need more of a life. all ive been doing is working and jus chillen around where I live with people. Its getting old. Ive always done this. I want something new and different. Meet new people and try new things. I went to a party last week, my friend Rachel invited me but when I got there she had to leave I was so confused I swear. Party was ok people were cool I guess and I did get a little tipsy, unfortunately.
I went to the city today to pamper myself before my birthday. Which is on sunday yaaaay. not. Im not in the mood to celebrate my birthday but I cant tell anyone that. All of my friends are like lets go out and eat or something. If i do go out I wnat it to be a small gropu of my close friends but I cant do that seeing as mad people wanna go somewhere different. Hmmmmm what to do. I also visited my aunt. Just stopped by to see how she was feeling. Last I heard shes not doing to well, she has a pacemaker now so shes not like she was before. Now she has to take it easy.
Oh did I forgt to mention how fed up I am with certain things and people. I wish things were like they were before....sigh.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Say Whats Real

Monday, May 18, 2009
"You'll Find A Way"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Can anybody tell me what the hell is wrong with me? I think Im coming down with another damn cold. Im all hot & cold. Ive had chills all day the only thing that brought it down was Dunkin Donuts lovely hot chocoalte I just cant get enough of. Other than that Ive been in a shitty mood all day. Trying to study for finals but its not working. Trying to forget about a certain someone but Im shit outta look there too. I just wanna drift away. To a place where its all peachy keen. Escape this bittersweet world, with so many problems and crap. Oh fuck... my clothes are downstaires lemme go and get em. Ugh you know what rlly pisses me off/grinds my gears. Guys. Guy Friends. Why do you always want my friends to tag along with u and your friends. Its so annoying. Ugh sorry im just venting. Lemme get out hear before I start to go nuts.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Victim of a Foolish Heart

Saturday, April 18, 2009
"Petrified Life & Twice Told Joke"
Saturday, April 4, 2009
"Littlest Things"

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Best I Ever Had
FUCK!-i cant upload the song here by video, blogger blows. just go on youtube and listen to best i ever had lmao!
Monday, March 23, 2009
P.S.- I will still be updating this blog every chance I get.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Seemingly Meaningless
Monday, March 9, 2009

Would I be uncool, If i could write a love song? Why is it that all the fuckin amazing songs are so hard? Is it because theyre that effin amazing. Lime wire sucks ass. I still cannot download Uncool by Courtney Love, and Let Go Hank Dogs. I know what a name right. I love these two effin songs, yet i can only listen to them when im online. Stupid shit, i need another place to download music.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Say_ what_you_ need_ to_ say

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"Every time I think of you I puke"
[Kaycee puking]
There I go thinking of you again
You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomache
Everytime I think of you I puke
You must just not not knoooooowww
You may not think you do
But you do everytime I think of you I puke
[Verse 1]
I was gonna take a little time to write you a little poem
But off of the dome would probably be a little more
More suitable for this type of song woah
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I can think of
Sixteen bars this ain't enough to put ???
So fuck it I'ma start right here I'll just be briefer
Bout to rattle off some other reasons
I know I shouldnt let my hate overshadow the new
But what do I go and do? Have one in interrupt my life, then two
Oooooh I'm sittin here with your name in my head
I can't believe I this shit isnt buried and dead
My next friends now they got to be sane
If you only knew how much I hated you
For every mothafuckin thing you ever put us through
Then I wouldnt be standin here cryin over you booooooooo
You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomache
Everytime I think of you I puke
You must just not not knoooooowww
You may not think you do
But you do everytime I think of you I puke
[Verse 2]
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little letter
But I thought a song would prolly be a little better instead of a letter
That you'd prolly just shred up ??? I stumbled on your picture
The other day and it made me stop and think of how much of a waste
It would be to put some ink to a stupid piece of paper
I'd rather have you see how much I fucking hate you in a freestyle
You're a fucking ??? and I hope you fucking die
I hope you get to hell and Satan sticks a needle in your eye
I hate your fucking guts you fucking slut I hope you die (diiiiiie)
But please don't get me wrong I'm not bitter I'm mad
It's not that I still love you its not that I want you back
It's just that when I think of you it makes me wanna gag
But what else can I do I havent gotta clue
Now I guess I just move on I got no choice but to
But everytime I think of you now all I want to do is puuuuuke
You don't know how sick you make me
You make me fucking sick to my stomache
Everytime I think of you I puke
You must just not not knoooooowww
You may not think you do
But you do everytime I think of you I puke
[Kaycee puking]
Fucking bitch
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kyoto Song

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
PPPPPoker Face, PPPPPoker Face
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Alright Still?...

Morning: Woke up. Made my usual french toast sticks lol. Ate. Watched Tv, saw Lily Allens new video for her song "The Fear". Got ready to go to stand on line and wait for hours and hours alone with my music until Briana and Ebonie go to school.