Monday, July 20, 2009

"Back in the day when I was young I'm not a kid nemore......but somedays I still wish i was a kid again"

Lets see how my week has been going....

1. Im sick with a bad cold

2. Can't get my hair done because IM SICK.

3. Fucked up at work. But im getting over it.

4. Finally had the chance to go out with a guy who actually PAID FOR EVERYTHING.

5. Has to find a home for Lily because shes making my mom really sick. Lilys my kitty kat

6. Havent heard from alot of people. Just wondering If theyre still breathing like me.

7. Shaved. Big Mistake

8. Lost my favorite lipstick.

9. Been getting back into my death metal bands

10. Had a blast from jmy past yet again.

1 comment:

Seni said...

I love you Kaycee but people think that when one gets a boyfriend, they leave everyone behind. For me its the opposite. I get a boyfriend and all my friends move on. I barely hear from you and at times don't want to bother. You seem so comfortable where you are. but I'm always here when you need me. You know that.