Monday, May 11, 2009


Can anybody tell me what the hell is wrong with me? I think Im coming down with another damn cold. Im all hot & cold. Ive had chills all day the only thing that brought it down was Dunkin Donuts lovely hot chocoalte I just cant get enough of. Other than that Ive been in a shitty mood all day. Trying to study for finals but its not working. Trying to forget about a certain someone but Im shit outta look there too. I just wanna drift away. To a place where its all peachy keen. Escape this bittersweet world, with so many problems and crap. Oh fuck... my clothes are downstaires lemme go and get em. Ugh you know what rlly pisses me off/grinds my gears. Guys. Guy Friends. Why do you always want my friends to tag along with u and your friends. Its so annoying. Ugh sorry im just venting. Lemme get out hear before I start to go nuts.

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