Morning: Woke up. Made my usual french toast sticks lol. Ate. Watched Tv, saw Lily Allens new video for her song "The Fear". Got ready to go to stand on line and wait for hours and hours alone with my music until Briana and Ebonie go to school.
Afternoon: Get off train. Eat McDonalds (number two!!) call people who never pick up the phone when I want to talk. Asked some lil hipster guy where the Bowery Ballroom is, figured hed know. Walk until i see a bunch of people standing/sitting waiting to get in. Go on line turn up my music so I wont have to hear how much everyone loves Lily. Listen to a couple of solid gold oldies (Debarge, Isley, the good stuff). Get calls now! talk to dear ol friend whom Ill see on sunday at Battle of bands...wonder how thatllt turn out, reminds me I have to get my money to her and outfit all set. Get more calls from people I called earlier when I was losing my sanity. Hang up. Resume music lol. Get a call from Ebonie, who actually came. Wait.....still waiting.....see her with big ass textbook she ends up putting in my bag before the show starts. Back hurts because of Ebonie btw. We wait, we talk we laugh. Bri Bri calls shes on her way. Waitng...still waiting...she arrives. we all laugh talk, make messed up sadistic jokes about Rhianna and Chris Brown( dear lord im so sorry). We wait for like hours. They let us in. We wait again. We talk, laugh, make more jokes lmao. They open the main doors. we wait. Then it begins.
Evening: Trouble Andrew performs :/. Didnt know that was Santogolds husband btw. We dance we enjoy the show, theyre not too bad. They leave, we ait for Matt & Kim. We dance, laugh, have a good time. Matt & Kim perform Matt & Kim suck the end. We wait for the reason Im breathing today (lily) She comes out looking very cute I might add. We all dance sing songs we know, beg her to come out and perform another. Lily comes out and performs "Womanizer" lol. I laugh and sing my heart out. Shows over. They let us out. We get a free cd and poster, and sticker, oh and shirts. We walk to McDonalds again. I get my flurry we all go our seperate ways. I ride home with Ebonie. Im sleepy so is she I think? We wait for bus mines comes first ha! I get on see my friend Koplah show off pics. We get off bus go our seperate ways. I get in my house. I go to sleep. I smile because I had a kick ass day.
"please just stop the bruises bruises" lily was fuckin awesome last night those other acts were questionable though...i bought her CD today its fuckin awesome btw im still laughing at those kids who thought devil wears was on stage and started moshing like wtf? we must do another show srry about your back dude
lily looked so adirable and the pics came out nice but you and briana are going to hell for making fun of rhi rhi...ahaha loveeee
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