Just finished watching my new addiction-True Blood- Its actually a pretty good show despite what I used to say about it. I guess I never really gave it a chance like I dont with alot of things. God I feel so fucked up in the head. I dont know whats good or bad. I dont know what I want, or If its something that I should want. Im confused and dont know what to do with myself. I guess I should just live as if I'll die tomorrow. Thats all you can do right? Live each day as if its your last. Experience as much as you can, and have no regrets. I guess I dont have any regrets. Just many lessons I thought I learned. See what I mean Im all screwed up. The only things that make sense in my life now is school work and the people I surround myself with which are my friends and family. The only thing that keeps me going on is the thought that I have this feeling that theres something more for me in the future. I dont want to sound like a bitch or anything but I feel like I dont know how special I am and the purpose I serve. If that makes any sense. I just think Im too much of this interesting person to sit in my house on the computer all the time and listen to music. I shuld be out there doing something with music or whatever. Thats why whenever I get the chance Im going to search my hardest for some more internships or anything to break into the business. Ive been working way to many days and havent had enough time to do anything for me really. I dont put alot of faith in myself, mostly because I had alot of thing happen to me to make me lose all hope and faith in myself. I know I deserve better in my life with a career and person. Just scared to see what the future actually holds for me.

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