Finally made it on my blog. Damn thing was acting up all day. Yesterday was way cool as you can see. It was Ms Ebonies birthday!!!!! Happy Birffday Hun! She nineteen now. I know shes getting up there. Went to BBQs for dinner with Imoni. Missed her, havent seen her in a long long time. We all had a good time, then her friend Lanette came. and then we went off to see The Black Lips. Concert was ok I guess, maybe wouldve been better if I actually knew a few songs by the band, but whatever. Today sucked I was supposed to go to the city to karaoke with Awilda and her friend from work but shes really sick. Hope she gets better. Damn its like everyone has been getting sick. Ended up in Subway with my friend koplax, and then came home to do nothing as always. I dont know in some ways it felt goood to have the advantage of staying home and sitting on my ass, but I felt sort of alone. I dont know why. I felt like I was missing out on something, or someone maybe? I was on a gloomy mood. I dont know why I get like this. I can have the biggest smile on my face and have the greatest people around me, but like Kanye says "In the end its still so lonely" I guess being around here with memories depresses me. Brings me back into my sad mode. I hate that too. Im so tired of being around here, and in Rochdale. Its so ugggghhhhhh depressing. So many problems, No money, so many good/bad unwanted memories in this head of mine. I go to a school I dont neccesarily like. Im at a job that Im not too fond of. I just feel like my life is on rerun everyday. Occasionally I get to spice it up, but that doesnt feel good enough for me. I dont talk to alot of people I once felt so close too. From home and school. I miss them too. I guess this is what was supposed to happen. You win some and you lose some. Sucks though but eventually Ill get over it. What other choice do I have. I have to go to school tomoro which blows then Ill be home doing french, oh and im failing btw. UGGGHHH!!!! Let me go to sleep now and stop watching Hustle&Flow. Got to get up tomoro to do the same damn thing I always do. Maybe something interesting will happen. But Im not holding my breath.
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