Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Broken-Hearted Girl

I just recently got my ear pierced and its killing me. This will be my seventh one, and can you believe Im not done. I want two diamond studs on my right cartilage. I think I spelled it correctly. If not then oh well. Weeks been kind of busy. Wait scratch that I havent been busy having a life, Ive been busy working so I could get money for back to school. Im actually excited about school starting back up. Im more focused then I ever used to be. I know what I have to do and Im ready. Besides that I need a distraction FAST! I just want to forget alot of things and people. Sometimes life is just better leaving behind the past. For once and for all. I dont think I mentioned my friend living with me. Well shes not anymore, my mom made her leave and go to her moms cousins house. Its so close by rochdale its ridiculous. Hope all is well with her and she starts to make moves and not slack off just because she has a roof over head. Yes she has every reason to be thankful but dont mooch like here. Start to build your life. Its the perfect opportunity. I couldnt take it living with her. I guess Im a very private person and I like to be by myself. Since Im so used to it growing up. I just like my own space and no one taking over. I almost forgot to mention this week is like a series of free concerts in the city. Pat Benatar. Blondie. The Donnas. and Gym Class Heroes. I am so going to one of them. Im leaning more towards Pat Benatar and Blondies concert. Since theyre like my fucking Idols. Come on who would miss that concert. Cant wait to go with my peeps. Live life before school takes over. <3