I cant believe Michael Jackson is gone. Ive been listening to his music all day today and yesterday. Up as my title are my two favorite songs by him. He was truly a legend and despite all of the drama and things that he went through he was an amazing performer and I know he will be missed terribly. R.I.P Michael, your in a better place now.
Today was so dull I swear I decided to make moves out of this damn house since I didnt go anywhere the day before. I hate being home sometimes. I feel like I have no damn life and I should be outside at least taking a walk in the city somewhere. Ugh. Need more of a life. all ive been doing is working and jus chillen around where I live with people. Its getting old. Ive always done this. I want something new and different. Meet new people and try new things. I went to a party last week, my friend Rachel invited me but when I got there she had to leave I was so confused I swear. Party was ok people were cool I guess and I did get a little tipsy, unfortunately.
I went to the city today to pamper myself before my birthday. Which is on sunday yaaaay. not. Im not in the mood to celebrate my birthday but I cant tell anyone that. All of my friends are like lets go out and eat or something. If i do go out I wnat it to be a small gropu of my close friends but I cant do that seeing as mad people wanna go somewhere different. Hmmmmm what to do. I also visited my aunt. Just stopped by to see how she was feeling. Last I heard shes not doing to well, she has a pacemaker now so shes not like she was before. Now she has to take it easy.
Oh did I forgt to mention how fed up I am with certain things and people. I wish things were like they were before....sigh.