Im at my Gammys house now, and I came across this picture. Its so damn hilarious. I had on my black power hat with my kitten earrings I cant find anymore, and my old OLD glasses. My eyebrows are hella bushy and It seems I knew nothing about make-up. I love looking at old pictures. Its funny to see how much I changed. My style, the clothing I was wearing and my expressions lol. I look so sad. I remember where this picture was taken too. I was in the Manhattan Mall with Awilda, Lenice, Yanell and Ebonie(who took this pic). I remember what we all were exactly talking about too, damn my memory is pretty good. They were all talking about the damn Jonas Brothers lol. Me and Ebonie were in our own world probably talking about Gym Class Heroes or some other damn band. Then she took this picture and was like Imn going to send it to you, its a nice one. Then she sent it and here it is years later lol. Wow my have things changed since then. Feels good to look back at the good memeories of the past. I miss alot of things too.....I got back like a couple of houras ago from taking my English Final. That crap was so damn easy, if I get below a ninety ill be highly upset. Now I have my last two on Wednesday. Cannot wait for that shit to be over. Everyones like schools over YAAAAY!!! I still have finals so schools not completely over for me. Til then Ill hold back my cheers. Im so eager to see how the summers going to go for me. Ill be working alot more now. I think like five days. Yes!!!! The only thing is Ill be in cash register ugh. Hate that shit. Dont know whay Moe loves it so much. Customers are way too rude for my liking. Guess I have to get used to it. People are rude anyway. I wont be at The Source anymore though. I know I'm like the worlds biggest idiot according to some people but I really need the money now, and I cant afford to waste my time in a place I dont like too much, around fake people, and get no money. Times are way too hard now, and I need to do whats good for right now. Besides Ive been thinking about a change in career...??? Im going to stil be in school and now Ill have more time to concentrate. No drama, no more late run ins in the city and no boys....well Ill see about that. I have to call em and tell em I wont be back though.....or should I just not show up, Its not like theyre paying me......hmmmmm well see by tomorrow. I just want to relax and do things I want to really do this summer. I met alot of cool people this year and still remained as close as possible to my friends from High school. I cannot wait until Santigold and more concerts to go to. I dont know why but I feel like this summer something unforgettable is going to happen. I dont know why but theres this feeling I get. Can only wait to see......

3 1/2 more weeks 'til SANTIGOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!